Welcome to paradise!

From now on, you can enjoy cakes, biscuits, and desserts completely without worrying about your figure or health.

Biosüße is Europe’s first and only certified organically produced calorie-free alternative to sugar. Mild sweetness, its taste is round and without Stevia!

  •  tastes and looks like sugar
  •  zero calories or carbs
  •  contains absolutely no artificial sweeteners, preservatives or aroma
  • excellent tolerability
  • organic, vegan, and gluten-free
  • suitable for children and diabetics
  • tooth-friendly

The reason that makes Bisosüße so unique and for which purposes it is suitable is explained here.

If you like to use Biosüße for cooking or baking, have a look at our tips and tricks or browse through our recipes.

Scientists all around the world were concerned with studies, which we have compiled for you.

For further questions have a look at our FAQs.


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